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28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

28th sun.webp

Our Parish Financial Corner

Sunday Envelopes 10-06-24: $ 3,965.00
Sunday Plate: $ 3,636.00
Total 10/06/24 Sunday: $ 7,601.00

Daily: 09/30/24-10/05/24 : $ 940.00

DDF 2024
Diocese Goal: $43,600.00
Pledges Made: $19,002.00
Gifts Received: $36,696.51
Donors: 218

Percent of Goal: 76.70%
As of: Sept. 29, 2024 

For Emergencies / Anointing of The Sick
Please Call

“Our Lady of Guadalupe, Chino is a strong faith community, continuing the mission of Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit to embrace our multi - cultural parish to serve one another by proclaiming the Good News to nourish all people."


"Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Chino es una comunidad fuerte en la fe, continuando con la mission de Cristo, guiada por el Espíritu Santo par acoger nuestra parroquia multicultural para servirnos unos a otros, proclamando la Buena Nueva para nutrir a todas las personas."

Support Our Future Church
Apoyen el futuro de la iglesia

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church is committed to our mission by implementing programs that support our next generation.


Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe están comprometidos con nuestra misión de implementar programas para apoyar a nuestra nueva generación.

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